[Industry Case] Saving from economic and material loss, a real time monitoring system

[Industry Case] Saving from economic and material loss, a real time monitoring system

Third round of DigiFoF industry case !

This time you will learn more about design and manufacture machines within the automatic assembly.

What kind of issue can be met in this industry ?

--> Systems failure, leading to unfinished products and defective materials. These failures can represent a significant gap in terms of finance and materials.

In order to improve machinery performances, Company C has introduced a real time monitoring system.

This monitoring system has 3 targets:

  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Efficiency

This system has proven efficient to reduce downtime and waste, being able to take action as soon as a failure shows. Efficient softwares that are automated within industrial companies are crucial to fix potential failures quickly, avoiding economic and material wastage.

Please find below the full case study in PDF.

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Amandine Ameline

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