[Industry Case] Integrated design of a product service system and the associated economic model

[Industry Case] Integrated design of a product service system and the associated economic model

The meat transformation industries are challenged with increasing international competition and changes in customer behaviour. These circumstances compelled professionals in the field to work not only on decreasing production costs, but also and most importantly on improving the quality of their products. Further on, food safety (hygiene) is one of the main concerns of professionals in this field and such a concern is usually turned into a means to take advantage over competitors.

The case study consist in designing an innovative Product-Service-System (PSS) answering these industrial cleaning needs. The PSS is designed to be implemented within a meat transformation French enterprise (E1) in order to clean cold storage warehouses. The adoption of PSS thinking is motivated by a desire to unleash the potential of high-added value solutions coupling robotics with service.

Please find below the full case study to understand the whole process this company went through and what skills it required.

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Amandine Ameline

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