[Industry Case] Implementing a CRM – upside, resistance and opportunities

[Industry Case] Implementing a CRM – upside, resistance and opportunities

This company is a mid-size company with about 300 staff, selling machinery on a global basis. This company is facing the question of having an accurate view of its installed base (where are the equipment installed, are they in good shape, what are they used for, etc.), customers, and key-people in its customers’ organization.

CMR is a powerful tool to manage the customer data base, know better your customers, offer them the right products, etc. and at the end generate increased revenues and customer satisfaction.
In an industrial setting, as in a more service orientated company, the recommendation is to do it sooner than later, especially when we consider the business upside and cost optimization induced by a proper well-utilized CRM.

Please find below the full case study to understand the whole process this company went through and what skills it required.

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Amandine Ameline

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