[DigiFoF Industry Case] Complete revamping of materials and product handling systems along the assembly line

[DigiFoF Industry Case] Complete revamping of materials and product handling systems along the assembly line

The DIGIFOF project proposes a network of training environments where HEIs, enterprises and training insitutions come together to develop skill profiles, training concepts as well as materials for design aspects of the Factory of the Future (FoF).

> More about DigiFoF

Part of the deliverables of the project are a FoF-Design tool as well as innovative ICT-based teaching and learning materials based on real world cases.

Regarding these specific DigiFoF deliverable, case studies have been developed to collect and prepare industry cases for Factories of the Future, developing innovative teaching methods and tools. These industry cases are open ended following the problem-based learning approach

The first industry case is about a company in the Manufacturing of Electrical and Electronical Equipment industry.

This company is willing to improve the efficiency of the production process which is characterized by the assembly and testing of configurable products within a plant. To do so, the company decided to completely revamp the materials and products handling system along the assembly line.

To learn how this company managed to reach this goal, using which methods and introducing 4.0 technologies, see the case bellow.

Competencies needed to apply this solution:

  • Lean Production
  • Creative thinking
  • Brainstorming techniques
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Management of the introduced technologies


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Author of the page

Amandine Ameline

Chargée de mission