Advising artisans in Alsace to develop the circular economy

Advising artisans in Alsace to develop the circular economy

The Alsace Chamber of Trade, supported by ADEME and the Grand Est Region of France decided to initiate a circular economy awareness initiative for artisans, as a complement to the work of professional organizations.

Following the dictates of common sense, many heads of small businesses are already acting according to the principles of circular economy. Brewers, for example, use heated cooling water to preheat the next brew; a paint manufacturer develops products from dye plants; a carpenter innovates with a modular library that adapts to the desires of its owner, particularly when he moves house.

But it is possible to go further thanks to support from the Alsace Chamber of Trade:

*       Answer artisans’ questions especially on regulatory aspects,

*       Pass on best practice,

*       Analyse company consumption and waste

*       Think together about the most promising circular economy projects for the company,

*       Inform companies about appropriate financial arrangements,

*       Represent artisans in regional projects, especially industrial ecology initiatives

These are all services offered by the Alsace Chamber of Trade to increase companies’ competitiveness through the circular economy.

In 6 months 22 companies have received individual advice and some actions are beginning to emerge. For example, a baker who reviewed his energy plan claims that his bill is down by 15% over the first month.

For more information, contact: Emmanuelle Jehu, [email protected]

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Author of the page

Ariane Bussard


Traduction Birdwell
