Feedback from the 1st regional circular economy forum in Bourgogne Franche-Comté

  • by Dominique MARIE
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  • le 2018-02-28 12:12:33
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  • vus 3355

A new stage in the development of the regional strategy and action plan for the circular economy (*) led by the regional council, ADEME and the French State.

(1) The circular economy aims to change the pattern with respect to the so-called linear economy, a model that dominates our current societies, limiting waste of resources and environmental impact by increasing efficiency at all stages of the product and service economy.

After the launch meeting on October 10, and the remarkable talk by Dominique Bourg, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique of Lausanne and a specialist in resource economics, over 150 people were present at the regional council headquarters for the 1st regional participatory forum on February 6.

On the programme,

1- Feedback on resources (soil, water, aggregates, metals, agricultural biomass, forest biomass, energy, biodiversity waste, etc.) regional policies (resource plan and national plan of the State and its departments, ADEME programme and actions, local authority public policies etc.) the pillars of the circular economy (sustainable procurement, eco-design, functional economy, sustainable consumption, longer use, recycling)

2 - Discussions

3 - workshops on the principles, the values of a regional circular economy; more in-depth inventory; resource priorities, the pillars of circular economy, prioritization in business sectors. 

A very full day, and one that augurs well for the future.

Work will continue throughout the year, culminating in a resource plan, a strategy and a regional plan for the circular economy in late December.

The next steps: 5 decentralized workshops on the pillars of circular economy between March and June.

> Click here to get slideshows, photos and workshops. Next steps next weekend on the site JE PARTICIPE

 Regional strategy “regional strategy” “circular economy” “resources”