Project details

  • Main leader : LOVE YOUR WASTE
  • Type of initiative :
  • Périmètre : Ile-de-France
  • Localisation : 34 rue des martyrs, Paris
  • Date de début : janvier 2016

Economy circular topics

  • Extending useful service life
  • Recycling
  • Responsible consumption
  • Functional service economy
  • Industrial and regional ecology
  • Eco-design
  • Sustainable procurement

Love Your Waste offers companies, schools and hospitals that serve meals an integrated, turnkey solution, co-built with customers to better manage their food waste. In this we can respond better to the needs and requirements of our customers. We are guarantors of waste recycling cycle in terms of traceability and provide high added value programmes to optimize the initiative and also to unite those involved inside the company, and promote this responsible action outside the company. Our value chain: the transformation process carried out by anaerobic digestion is used to create biomethane directly and distribute it through the town gas network via our partner GrDF. Our clients are thereby engaged in a concrete circular economy action. Love Your Waste helps to create a community of economic stakeholders which works daily to build a sustainable society.

Our offer is structured around three services:

  • Collecting biowaste: diagnosis and installation of sorting and containers, made-to-measure organization of rubbish collection and traceability reports, recovery certificate compliant with the new obligations of the Grenelle 2 environmental round table.
  • Coaching in change management including training in sorting waste for kitchen staff and diners and awareness workshops about food waste. These training courses and workshops are based on innovative, positive and participatory educational techniques.
  • Consulting programmes to reduce food waste through quantitative and qualitative studies (food weighing weeks, questionnaires to the kitchen staff and diners). These studies are then used to define action plans for ordering and preparing food, service, training and communication.

Qualitative benefits

The Love Your Waste approach is innovative for 4 reasons:

  • 1/ the transformation process carried out by anaerobic digestion is used to create biomethane directly and distribute it through the town gas network via our partner GrDF. Our clients are thereby engaged in a concrete circular economy action. Love Your Waste helps to create a community of stakeholders which works daily to build a sustainable society.
  • 2/ The strength of the Love Your Waste offer is the integrated solution provided to the customer. The start-up offers services that are normally provided by several different companies. By combining different services, Love Your Waste adapts to the needs of its customers and offers a global, made-to-measure solution. This solution is also a responsible one because to collect biowaste from our customers we work with a service that helps the unemployed to return to work.
  • 3 / Love Your Waste democratizes today’s major environmental and energy challenges through innovative, participatory workshops for diners at catering establishments and showcases the impact this has on in people's lives on a daily basis. The discourse is not intended to be deliberately alarmist but optimistic and encouraging. The training and awareness service aims to create positive, unifying and fun messages.
  • 4 / Love Your Waste wants to create a new "waste performance” service that combines two aims: improving recycling and reducing waste. The company is built around a fundamental development assumption: managers’ reasoning is not about increasing volumes of waste collected and treated every year, but about the idea of reducing waste. The directors are aiming for a 10% reduction in waste from their clients in 2016 and 2017, and for 5% per year in 2018 and 2019.

Our solution can easily be "replicated”: - Institutional catering services are seeking innovative, flexible and responsible solutions to comply with new legal obligations and improve their social and environmental responsibility. - Recovery units exist, are developing and are particularly interested in what we have to contribute: food waste has a high methanogenic potential and is very well sorted with our support programmes. About 300 biogas plants are so far operating in France. According to the bill announced by the French Minister of the environment, Mme. Royal, there are expected to be 1,500 of them in 2020. For example, the Ile-de-France (Paris) region has a development plan for 70 facilities. - Structures are seeking promising sectors to help the long-term unemployed to reintegrate.

Stages of the initiative

The idea of Love Your Waste came from the conviction that good recycling practices should be encouraged. Our business is to help waste producers to turn an official requirement into a project with a high environmental and social impact - Today much organic waste is not sorted and is burned by incineration. This is both an ecological and an economic aberration when you consider that they are made up of 80% water. - The Grenelle 2 law, which now makes it compulsory to collect, sort and better recycle organic waste. Love Your Waste proposes to transform this official requirement into an opportunity. Recovery units are developing and are particularly interested in what we have to contribute: food waste has a high methanogenic potential and is very well sorted with our support programmes. There are now about 1 million long-term unemployed in France whom we want to help by providing them with professional opportunities in a sector of the future. The three co-founders of Love Your Waste examined the regulations, looked at what was happening in the field and at the needs of all these people, and came up with a comprehensive, integrated solution. Since 2014, they have proven the technical and commercial viability of the start-up and are now growing.

Key stages:

  • 2014: Feasibility study (technical, regulatory, commercial, etc.) without any legal structure, staff taken on and partnerships set up
  • January 2015: Creation of the company (SAS - a simplified joint-stock company). Winner of the competition for the Call for Projects from the Paris City Hall and move to the SenseCube. (Makesense incubator)
  • March 2015: launch of the pilot operation with schools in Paris
  • December 2015: end of the pilot, offers drawn up, quality approach defined, and the partner charter written up. We were becoming better known and we were invited to various events at COP 21.
  • Finalists in the "European Social Innovation" competition organized by the European Commission. Since January 2016: marketing services and a fundraiser:

The French Ministry of Environment has produced a video of the initiative, "One day, one action (Un jour, Une action)”


Areas of activity

  • Agriculture
  • Food
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Recycling
  • Trade


  • Food
  • Waste
  • Biowaste
  • Renewable energies
  • Biogas
  • Compost

Pillar(s) of the circular economy

  • Extending useful service life
  • Recycling

Technical resources

Love Your Waste is expanding quickly via its networks and competitions in which it takes part (European Commission, Grands prix de l’innovation de Paris, cleantech open, etc.), through the media which give it significant coverage (France 5, Le Parisien) and participation in events (Exhibition at the Grand Palais / COP21, Etats généraux de l’économie circulaire). Digital strategy & social networks - A modern site receiving weekly publications on the circular economy, our impact analysis: One more step towards a circular economy (­plus-­faveur-­de-­leconomie-­circulaire/) Love Your Waste takes a new Senegal biogas operator under its wing (­your-­waste-­prend-­aile-­nouvel-­acteur-­de-­methanisation-­senegal/) Enough energy to go around the world 8 times (­your-­waste-­solution-­locale-­paris-­durable/) All the articles can be found here:­coeur-­de-­love-­your-­waste/ -­ Facebook: —> Audience: 4,000 people per week on average - 890 fans of the Love Your Waste page -­ Twitter : —> Twitter audience: 290 subscribers - about 3,400 tweets - A newsletter with 2,000 subscribers → here is the latest: Videos -­ “We sort to make energy (Nous on trie pour faire de l’énergie)”: -­ “Young Waste Lovers”: See all videos:

Human resources

5 employees

Cost & funding


  • Autofinancement

Web link(s)
Author of the page

Juliette Franquet


Vincent Jay

Chef de projets