[Industry cases] DigiFoF, Factory of the Future and functional economy

Last modified by the author on 25/08/2021 - 16:01
[Industry cases] DigiFoF, Factory of the Future and functional economy

The DIGIFOF project, launched in 2019, proposes a network of training environments where HEIs, enterprises and training insitutions come together to develop skill profiles, training concepts as well as materials for design aspects of the Factory of the Future (FoF). It will create an organizational structure to foster knowledge transfer between industry and academia, aiming to provide educational and experimental OMiLAB4FoF laboratories, where FoF-aspects can be taught practically or experimented with.

The objective is to create an organisational structure to foster knowledge transfer between industry and academia, with the aim of providing educational and experimental laboratories where the characteristics of this Factory of the Future will be taught in a theoretical and experimental way.

This project has resulted in various case studies, some of which are published in English on the circulareconomy.org platform.

Here are the last 4 Industry cases published:

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Author of the page

Amandine Ameline

Chargée de mission