[Industry case] From products to servitization

[Industry case] From products to servitization

This industry case presents how a company went from selling high tech machines to servitization. The machine this case focus on is the ESpindle machine.

The e-spindle machine is useful within the automotive industry, and can be easily used as a service rather than just a product. In fact, thanks to AI (artificial intelligence), this e-spindle machine can send signals when it needs maintenance, and is also able to learn from the sensors and adjust itself when needed.

As a reminder, the functional service economy is an economic model based on the development of solutions that combine service guarantees and the functions provided to the user for material goods belonging to the producer. (From Eclaira)

After combining a 10 years background from CETIM, Arts & Métiers, and PCI, e-spindle has been functionning well and here are few results achieved through its applications :

  • A toolholder demonstration highlighting real-time monitoring of cutting process variables including force, vibration, and coolant pressure,
  • An adaptive drilling application illustrating the benefits of ongoing vibration control,
  • A honing toolholder operation highlighting integrated measurement of workpiece diameter to enable continual control of abrasive honing tooling.

To learn more about this solution as well as key skills, competences needed and results, please find below the full case study.

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Amandine Ameline

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