Climate Plan 2020 for the Bordeaux Wine industry

Project details

  • Main leader : Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB)
  • Type of initiative :
  • Périmètre : Gironde
  • Localisation : au
  • Date de début : janvier 2008

Economy circular topics

  • Recycling
  • Eco-design
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Extending useful service life
  • Responsible consumption
  • Functional service economy
  • Industrial and regional ecology

In continuation of the Earth Summits, the first of which was in 1992 at the Rio summit, then in 1997 at the initiative of the EU, which in turn set a series of reduction goals for greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 as part of an action plan called the "climate-energy package", the Bordeaux Wine industry has also taken hold of the subject, laying the first brick of its own Climate Plan 2020 (Plan Climat 2020) in 2008 by making its first carbon analysis. And here are the goals it has set to reduce its environmental impact by 2020:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%
  • Reduce fossil energy consumption by 20%
  • Reduce water consumption by 20%
  • Create 20% more renewable energy

Qualitative benefits


The first innovation is the size of the population involved: more than 8,000 operators of all profiles.

The second innovation lies in the fact that this is a joint initiative involving all stakeholders in the sector, with different profiles, and it highlights pragmatic, collective work, built up over time. The third innovation is its bottom-up nature: it is based on success stories, success in the field and collective governance that has engaged financial and human resources. It highlights successes in the field with the aim of extending them to as much of the sector as is possible, with a roadmap and action sheets. The circular economy is one of the topics that is widely discussed in the roadmap.

Economic utility:

The 2020 climate plan roadmap is part of the overall sustainable development strategy of the sector at the service of business competitiveness. The actions implemented or suggested are always examined from an environmental angle but also from an economic one, an important criterion for decision making. For each action the investment is estimated, but always accompanied by the concept of return on investment, often with a final positive gain for the one rolling out the action.

Social utility:

This initiative highlights social cohesion around a common goal. The working groups have helped bring together 15 different stakeholder profiles in the sector, not always in contact with each other professionally, at a rate of 4 to 6 times in 2015. Building the roadmap is an opportunity to cross-reference skills and actions in the sector. The success stories described in the action sheets touch on topics that affect all business categories in the sector, all types of company, and create links between these different profiles.


This initiative can be duplicated just as soon as governance has been set up to manage the project. One of the principles of the action sheets is to allow a maximum of stakeholders in the sector, regardless of their profile, to become familiar with the action they expect to be able to deploy. These best practices are applicable to many company profiles, not just those working in wine, nor exclusively in the Bordeaux area. Communication actions such as the dissemination of action sheets help to duplicate these actions.

Stages of the initiative

An inventory was made in 2012 with the industry’s 2nd carbon analysis, the result of which is positive overall, since a 9% reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions had been achieved, out of the 20% aimed for by 2020. It still remains to reduce these emissions by 11% until 2020 (i.e. 101,000 tCO2-e), and in parallel, to continue to reduce water and fossil fuel consumption and create renewable energy. The sector has therefore rallied around the Bordeaux Wine Trade Council (Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux - CIVB) to create its roadmap, a jointly-written and evolving document which describes:

  • The objectives and challenges of the 2020 Climate Plan
  • The means of achieving them

This work was carried out with the support from a specialized carbon research firm: Carbone 4, using a collaborative approach. The main pillars of the mission entrusted to this firm are to help CIVB to draw up an overview of the industry, identify and prioritize topics, make interviews and collect data from those involved, assess and prioritize actions, and finally help to develop the Climate Plan 2020 roadmap. Carbone 4 has provided the CIVB with tools, data and methods to help them understand and treat the subject. This work was carried out mainly in four working groups:

  • Circular economy
  • Vine management
  • Winemaking
  • Cross-sector initiatives

These working groups were asked to identify, list and prioritize concrete actions from the sector that have an impact on one of the pillars of the climate plan.

The "circular economy” working group, composed of representatives from distilleries, manufacturing, a member of a business cluster, a carrier, the Chamber of Agriculture and other members with different profiles, proposed subjects such as:

  •  Promoting biogas units
  •  Transforming by-products into compounds of interest
  •  Developing composting of vine stalks and waste
  •  Developing CO2 recovery for the production of bicarbonates
  •  Recovering biomass (vine stalks) in local actions
  •  Making the management of waste from industry and private individuals more professional
  •  Recovering biomass (vinestock)
  •  Making widespread use of new technologies to optimize the monitoring of consumption
  •  Adding additives to fuel to reduce diesel consumption
  •  Disseminating the action to regenerate barrels
  •  Using bioethanol ED 95 as fuel
  •  Increasing the use of recyclable inks with printers and other "green" suppliers
  •  Recovering PE bags on a more widespread basis

all having an impact on the reduction of greenhouse gases and energy consumption, and involving different people.

The 2020 climate plan roadmap is a living document, written jointly over time. It will be updated as indicator results come in and success stories are deployed across the sector. It will be incremented by tools that are also created progressively, and by results or issues raised in the working groups and treated in parallel with the success stories. Among these tools, action sheets have been produced: these correspond to the four major themes of the Climate Plan (greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, water and renewable energy) and allow those who read them to obtain practical decision-making information allowing them to appropriate actions already carried out that work in the Bordeaux area, and deploy them in their company.


Areas of activity

  • Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Recycling


  • Water
  • Biodiversity
  • Waste
  • Biowaste
  • Wood
  • Renewable energies
  • Energy efficiency
  • Glass
  • Cardboard
  • Compost
  • Methanation
  • Compost

Pillar(s) of the circular economy

  • Recycling
  • Eco-design
  • Sustainable procurement

Technical resources

Carbon analysis Climate plan roadmap Incrementing tools - Action sheets

Human resources

The joint-trade organisation has provided human and financial resources: a resource person and a budget to pilot the project. A steering committee has been set up, made up of policy makers and financiers to supervise the project. ADEME has agreed to support the Bordeaux wine industry 2020 Climate Plan both financially and in its actions. Other partnerships are also being developed with organizations related to the sector. Finally, the rest of the project is supported by CIVB’s technical department, who have reserved a budget line for this purpose.

Cost & funding


  • CIVB


Web link(s)
Author of the page

Jeanne-Marie Voigt


Cyrielle BORDE

Cheffe de service adjointe - Service Industrie